Thursday, August 27, 2009

Herb Island in Otaki

Trying to conserve energy

3日前から陣痛ぽくが30分ずつに来てるけど、そこからあまりかわってない。身体どんどん疲れてるから、今ぜんぜん遠く行かないけど、少し家を出たかったから今日クニとママ3人で近くにあるHerb Islandに行って来ました。ママすごく喜んでた!本当にきれいな所。ご飯もすごくfreshなかんじでとてもお美味しかった。良い一日あった良かった。今夜からまたお腹が痛くなって、これから少し休みます。

Pains and aches everywhere and contractions 30 mins apart but nothing much has changed for the past 3 days. Feeling pretty exhausted, and can't go far, but feeling the need to get out of the house for a change of pace today Kuni, Mum and I went out to the Herb Island in Otaki. Mum was in heaven! Was such a lovely place and lunch was amazing-super fresh with so many herbs!
Great day out, time to put the feet up and get ready for whatever lies in store the next few days...


Kuni & Mum

Check out the Basil!


Herb Shopping

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