今日は渋谷Mont Bellで1人でランチしました。タイグリーンカリー上手かった!800円で安かった!
その後outdoor japanオッフィスまで仕事をしに行っちゃった。明日はデッドラインだから忙しい!
夜は五反田のwiredカフェでタイラーとParty Peopleのウエッブサイトアップグレード話出来た!来月末に良いウエッブ出るよ!翻訳サイトも今作り中からもう少しまってね!
Another day in Tokyo, but life is pretty cruisy despite the heat thanks to mumma's house and her air con. Today I stopped by the Mont Bell store in Shibuya for a delightful Thai Green Curry lunch, 800yen! Stoked! Off to the OJ office for an afternoon of trying to make deadline by tomorrow, busy busy. Dinner at wired cafe with Tyler for free wireless complimented with tacos and a cold beer. We are in the process of updating the Party People site and producing the translation site, so watch this space. It's going to be bigger and better than ever!
Kuni had a great shooting today with his new D3 baby, which makes me stoked for him. Things go up and down, but there's no doubting that we are blessed and life is wonderful.
Snapper on the Goldy looks like it's had some nice waves lately....would love to get home for a bit.
No waves here lately but the typhoon swell is finally coming and should pick up from tomorrow.Nice timing for the Billabong pro, which Kuni and I are off to from Wednesday for a week of shooting and interviews. Hopefully sneak in a surf or 5 too!
So that's it and nighty night. See ya in Irako!
今日は渋谷Mont Bellで1人でランチしました。タイグリーンカリー上手かった!800円で安かった!
その後outdoor japanオッフィスまで仕事をしに行っちゃった。明日はデッドラインだから忙しい!
夜は五反田のwiredカフェでタイラーとParty Peopleのウエッブサイトアップグレード話出来た!来月末に良いウエッブ出るよ!翻訳サイトも今作り中からもう少しまってね!
Another day in Tokyo, but life is pretty cruisy despite the heat thanks to mumma's house and her air con. Today I stopped by the Mont Bell store in Shibuya for a delightful Thai Green Curry lunch, 800yen! Stoked! Off to the OJ office for an afternoon of trying to make deadline by tomorrow, busy busy. Dinner at wired cafe with Tyler for free wireless complimented with tacos and a cold beer. We are in the process of updating the Party People site and producing the translation site, so watch this space. It's going to be bigger and better than ever!
Kuni had a great shooting today with his new D3 baby, which makes me stoked for him. Things go up and down, but there's no doubting that we are blessed and life is wonderful.
Snapper on the Goldy looks like it's had some nice waves lately....would love to get home for a bit.
No waves here lately but the typhoon swell is finally coming and should pick up from tomorrow.Nice timing for the Billabong pro, which Kuni and I are off to from Wednesday for a week of shooting and interviews. Hopefully sneak in a surf or 5 too!
So that's it and nighty night. See ya in Irako!