金曜日の朝にアンジーは一番早くに起きて、犬達と散歩して、ちょっとのんびりしました。天気がくもりから富士山を見えなかった。男達起きたら、starbucksのんで、let's go to Shizunami!
Kuni came home on Thursday morning, and then Thurs night we were off with the dogs and Yama chan to JPSA long contest in Shizuoka. Kuni drove us as far as the Fujikawa parking, and we all crashed out for the night in the camping car. I awoke first on Friday morning, but clouds prevented my view of Fuji. Taking the pups for a stroll, chillin and doing some reading, the boys finally woke up and then we had some starbucks and left for Shizunami.
We arrived at Shizunami and the waves were non existent-dead flat! So Kuni had the day off and we drove down to visit Cloveru Surfboard Shaper Ryosuke Kun at koya surf in Omaezaki, had a fun sure-water was warm and amazing, crystal clear.
We crashed that night by the beach back in Shizunami-watched a DVD in the camping car and then fell asleep to the sound of the waves.....or water rippling along the sand, whatever you want to say. There were nice sounds but the surf was flat!
There were no waves on Saturday, or Sunday, so after only completing one round on Saturday, waiting all day and into the next, which only brought torrential rain and less surf, the event finally was called off early Sunday morning. We slept some more, had a deserved onsen, then made the trek back home to Chiba.
I really need to get some good surf soon....
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